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Jie Zheng (郑捷)
03-2023 to present: University Distinguished Professor (校级特聘教授), Center for Economic Research (CER), Shandong University
03-2017 to present: Executive Associate Director, Tsinghua Economic Science and Policy Experimental Laboratory (ESPEL), Tsinghua University
12-2017 to 07-2023: Associate Professor of Economics, School of Economics and Management (SEM), Tsinghua University
07-2011 to 12-2017: Assistant Professor of Economics, SEM, Tsinghua University
01-2021 to present: Industrial Scholar, Institute of Internet Industry, Tsinghua University
11-2018 to present: Visiting Professor, Academy of Regional and Global Governance, Beijing Foreign Studies University
03-2019 to 03-2022: Visiting Professor, School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University
02-2018 to 04-2018: Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow, Department of Economics, European University Institute
09-2015 to 03-2016: Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
01-2017 to present: Associate Editor, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
04-2018 to present: Associate Editor, Research in Economics
04-2023 to present: Guest Editor, Economic Modelling, Special Issue on “Issues in Digital Economy in Game Theoretic Approaches”
12-2022 to present: Guest Editor, Games, Special Issue on “Competition, Coordination, and Cooperation: Theory and Evidence”
12-2022 to present: Guest Editor, Behavioral Sciences, Special Issue on “Social Preferences in Economic Behavior”
08-2019 to 06-2020: Executive Editor, Journal of Asian Economics
06-2019 to 12-2021: Guest Editor, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, special issue on “Behavioral Finance and Policy”
12-2018 to 04-2020: Guest Editor, Journal of Asian Economics, special issue on "Application of Behavioral Economics in Asia"
11-2021 to present: Executive Board Member, Operations Research Society of China – Game Theory Association (中国运筹学会博弈论分会)
04-2021 to present: Committee Member, China Economics Annual Conference – Microeconomic Theory and Behavioral Economics Committee (中国经济学年会微观理论与行为经济专业委员会)
12-2020 to present: Board Member, Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics
12-2019 to present: Founding Scientific Committee Member, China Microeconomic Theory Forum (中国微观经济理论论坛)
10-2019 to present: Executive Board Member, China Information Economics Society (中国信息经济学会)
08-2019 to present: Executive Board Member, American Committee on Asian Economic Studies
04-2019 to present: Founding Scientific Committee Member, Behavioral and Experimental Economics Forum (China BEEF, 中国行为与实验经济学论坛)
Ph.D. in Economics, Washington University in St. Louis, May 2011
Dissertation: Essays on Microeconomics with Incomplete Information (Advisor: David K. Levine)
M.A. in Economics, Washington University in St. Louis, May 2007
M.A. in Economics, with distinction, Tsinghua University, P. R. China, July 2005
B.A. in Economics, with distinction, Tsinghua University, P. R. China, July 2003
Information Economics, Experimental Economics, Behavioral Economics, Industrial Economics
Contest Theory, Matching Theory, Digital Economy, Chinese Economy
[18] "Information Advantage versus Technological Advantage: An Asymmetric Duopoly Model of Virtual and Real Contests"("信息优势与技术优势孰轻孰重:一个非对称双寡头的虚实之争模型"), with Haipeng Han and Mingzhi Li, accepted by Economic Research Journal (《经济研究》)
[17]"The Third Distribution and Common Prosperity: From the Perspective of Experimental Economics"("三次分配与共同富裕:基于实验经济学的视角"), with Yunwen He and Bin Xu, accepted by China Economic Quarterly (《经济学》(季刊))
[16]"Social Information Environment, Dedication Behavior and the Dilemma of Public Goods Provision" ("社会信息环境、奉献行为与公共品供给困境" in Chinese), with Yunwen He, accepted by Journal of Management Sciences in China (《管理科学学报》)
[15] "Privacy Preference, Price Discrimination, and Policies on Consumer Information Protection" ("隐私偏好、差异化定价与消费者信息保护政策" in Chinese), with Xiaokuai Shao, Economic Research Journal (《经济研究》), February 2024, 2: 190-208
[14] "Ridge Distributions and Information Design in Simultaneous All-Pay Auction Contests", with Zhonghong Kuang and Hangcheng Zhao, Games and Economic Behavior, November 2024, 148: 218-243
[13] "Coupling Information Disclosure with a Quality Standard in R&D Contests”, with Gaoyang Cai, Qian Jiao and Jingfeng Lu, Journal of Industrial Economics, September 2024, 72: 1299-1337
[12] "How Alliances Form and Conflict Ensues", with Lu Dong, Lingbo Huang, and Jaimie Lien, Games and Economic Behavior, July 2024, 146: 255-276
[11] "Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium in 2-Contestant Generalized Lottery Colonel Blotto Games"," with Xinmi Li, Journal of Mathematical Economics, December 2022, 103: 102771
[10] "Auction Mechanism and Bidding Behavior: Theory and Experiment on Pay-to-Bid Auctions" (“拍卖机制与竞价行为:基于付费竞价式拍卖的理论与实验” in Chinese), with Yunwen He, Economic Research Journal (《经济研究》), November 2021, 11: 161-176
[9] "International Trade with Social Comparisons," with Zeng Lian, Jaimie Lien and Lin Lu, Review of International Economics, August 2021, 29(3): 533-556
[8] "One Step at a Time: Does Gradualism Build Coordination?," with Sam Asher, Plamen Nikolov and Maoliang Ye, Management Science, January 2020, 66(1): 113-129
[7] "Are Work Intensity and Healthy Eating Substitutes? Field Evidence on Food Choices under Varying Workloads," with Jaimie Lien, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, January 2018, 145: 370-401
[6] "A Robust Reference-Dependent Model for Speculative Bubbles," with Mu Zhang, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, May 2017, 137:232-258
[5] "Ex-ante Fairness in the Boston and Serial Dictatorship Mechanisms under Pre-exam and Post-exam Preference Submission," with Jaimie Lien and Xiaohan Zhong, Games and Economic Behavior, Special Issue in honor of John. O. Ledyard, January 2017, 101:98-120
[4] "Extortion Can Outperform Generosity in the Iterated Prisoners' Dilemma," with Jaimie Lien, Zhijian Wang, Bin Xu and Yanran Zhou, Nature Communications, 2016, 7: 11125
[3] "Preference Submission Timing in School Choice Matching: Testing Fairness and Efficiency in the Laboratory," with Jaimie Lien and Xiaohan Zhong, Experimental Economics, 2016, 19(1): 116-150
[2] "Deciding When to Quit: Reference-Dependence over Slot Machine Outcomes," with Jaimie Lien, American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 2015, 105(5): 366-370
[1] “The Relationship between Economic Theory and Experiments,” with David K. Levine, Handbook of Experimental Economic Methodology, ed. Guillaume Frechette and Andrew Schotter, Oxford University Press, Ch.2, pp.43-57, February, 2015
10-2017: 2nd Behavioral and Experimental Economics Workshop, Dalian, China, “The Value of the Knowledge of Others” (Chinese Title “他山之石,可否攻玉?”)
11-2018: 2018 Annual Conference of China Information Economics Society, Guangzhou, China, “Hierarchical Bayesian Persuasion” (Chinese Title “多层级的贝叶斯劝服”)
06-2019: Inaugural International Symposium on Brain-like Economics, Jinan, China, “Self-commitment for Cooperation” (Chinese Title “自我承诺与合作”)
08-2020: 2nd China Behavioral and Experimental Economics Forum, Beijing, China, “Stuck in the Wisdom of Crowds: Knowledge, Information, and Heuristics” (Chinese Title “群众智慧如何影响个体决策:知识、信息、与经验法则”)
10-2020: Operations Research Society of China National Conference (ORSC2020), Hefei, China, “How does Goal Setting Affect Individual Performance: Theory and Experiment” (Chinese Title “目标设定方式如何影响个体绩效:理论与实验”)
05-2022: 2022 Forum on Frontiers of Modern Economics, Jinan, China, “Relation, Institution, and Trust: Behavioral Perspective and Experimental Approach” (Chinese Title “关系、制度与信任 ——行为视角和实验方法”)
11-2022: 5th China Institutional Economics Forum, Chongqing, China, “Mechanism Design on Cooperation: Theory and Experiment” (Chinese Title “合作行为的机制设计:理论与实验”)
10-2023: Competition Strategy and Regulation in Digital Economy Symposium, Shanghai, China, “Persuasive Exaggeration in Selling by An Expert”, (Chinese Title “专家销售中具有说服力的言过其实”)
10-2023: 6th China Institutional Economics Forum, Ningbo, China, “Commitment Mechanism to Promote Cooperation under Social Dilemmas: Theory and Evidence” (Chinese Title “社会困境下提升合作水平的承诺机制:理论与证据”)
11-2023: 5th International Symposium on Brain-like Economics, Jinan, China, “Co-Evolution of Reward Mechanism and Cooperation” (Chinese Title “奖励机制与合作的共同演进”)
03-2024: Workshop on Data-driven Behavioral Research in Operations Management, Beijing, China, “Price Frame, Obfuscation, and Strategic Co-Opetition” (Chinese Title “定价模式、消费者困惑与策略性竞合关系”)
06-2024: The 3rd CeDEx China Workshop on Behavioural and Experimental Economics, Ningbo, China, “Human (In)Compliance to Extortions: Algorithm Awareness Matters” (Chinese Title “人类对压榨的(不)服从:算法觉知的影响”)
06-2024: 2024 China BEEF International Workshop on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Jinan, China, “The Relationship between Economic Theory and Experiment” (Chinese Title “经济理论与实验的关系”)
07-2024: Workshop for the Advancement of Fundamental Theories in Economics, Xiangtan, China, “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms on Economic Behavior Decision-Making” (Chinese Title “人工智能算法对经济行为决策的影响”)
09-2024: 22nd China Law and Economics Forum, Jiaxing, China, “Data Mining, Data Transaction and Data Property Right” (Chinese Title “垄断、共享还是转让?——数据挖掘、数据交易与数据确权”)
10-2024: DUFE Workshop on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Dalian, China, “Competitive Behavior from the Perspective of Education Fairness: Theory and Experiment” (Chinese Title “教育公平视角下的竞争行为:理论与实验”)
10-2024: 7th China Institutional Economics Forum, Guangzhou, China, “Demand Prospects, Supply Constraints, and lnformation Disclosure Regulations” (Chinese Title “需求前景、供给约束与信息披露型规制”)
2024-present (Summer schools): Behavioral Science and Digital Economy (undergraduate), co-teaching with Prof. Jaimie Lien, Shandong University
2023-present (Fall semesters): Information Economics (Ph. D.), co-teaching with Prof. Jaimie Lien, Shandong University
2023-present (Fall semesters): Behavioral Economics (Ph. D.), co-teaching with Prof. Jaimie Lien, Shandong University
2023-present (Fall semesters): Academic Reading and Writing in English (Ph. D.), co-teaching with Prof. Jaimie Lien, Shandong University
2023 (Summer school): Behavioral and Experimental Approaches to Research on Public Economics and Policies , co-teaching with Prof. Jaimie Lien and Prof. Huan Xie, Shandong University
2018-2022 (Fall semesters): Behavioral Economics (undergraduate), Tsinghua University
2016-2022 (Fall semesters): Intermediate Microeconomics (undergraduate core), co-teaching with Prof. David Daokui Li, Tsinghua University
2016-2022 (Fall semesters): Advanced Microeconomics III: Information, Contracts, and Organizational Economics (Ph.D.), Tsinghua University
2017 (Summer school): Behavioral and Experimental Economics, co-teaching with Prof. Jaimie Lien and Prof. Huan Xie, Southwest University of Finance and Economics
2017 (Spring semester): Behavioral Economics (undergraduate), Tsinghua University
2016 (Spring semester): Advanced Microeconomics III: Information, Contracts, and Organizational Economics (Ph.D.), Tsinghua University
2016 (Spring semester): Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (undergraduate core), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2015 (Fall semester): Basic Microeconomics (undergraduate core), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2015 (Fall semester): Advanced Topics in Microeconomics (undergraduate), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2011-2014 (Fall semesters): Advanced Microeconomics I (Ph. D. core), Tsinghua University
2011-2014 (Fall semesters): Intermediate Microeconomics (undergraduate core, 2 sessions), co-teaching with Prof. David Daokui Li, Tsinghua University
2009-2010 (Summer school): Introduction to Political Economy: Micro (undergraduate), Washington University in St. Louis
Shandong Province Research Grant for Distinguished Expert of “Taishan Scholar” Project (P.I.), 2025/01-2029/12
Jinan City Research Grant for Key Distinguished Scholar of “Haiyou” Project (P.I.), 2025/01-2025/12
Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation, General Program Research Grant (P.I.), 2025/01-2026/12
Shandong University Research Grant for University Distinguished Professors (P.I.), 2023/08-2028/07
Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program Grant (P.I.), 2022/07-2024/12
Hong Kong Research Grants Council, General Research Fund (co-P.I.), 2023/01 – 2024/12
National Social Science Foundation of China Major Program Research Grant (P.I. for sub-project), 2021/01-2025/12
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) General Program Research Grant (P.I.), 2021/01-2024/12
Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (co-P.I.), 2020/01-2021/12
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) General Program Research Grant (P.I.), 2019/01-2022/12
Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (co-P.I.), 2017/01-2019/12
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Joint China-Russia Research Grant (co-P.I.), 2016/01-2018/12
Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Grant (P.I.), 2015/10-2018/09
Ministry of Education of China Young Scholar Startup Research Grant (P.I.), 2014/01-2015/12
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Young Scholar Research Grant (P.I.), 2013/01-2015/12
-evaluation of “Distinguished Excellence (特优)” by NSFC
Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Grant (P.I.), 2012/07-2015/06
Tsinghua University Competitive Startup Research Grant (P.I.), 2011/09-2014/07
Tsinghua University Junior Faculty Startup Research Grant (P.I), 2011/09-2014/07
Washington University Competitive Summer Research Grant, 2007-2010
Distinguished Expert of “Taishan Scholar” Project in Shandong Province , 2024
Key Distinguished Scholar of “Haiyou” Project in Jinan City , 2024
Outstanding Paper Award, the 2nd, 3rd, 5th & 6th China Behavioral and Experimental Economics Forum , 2020, 2021, 2023, 2024
Conference Best Paper Award, the 2017 & 2023 Annual Conference of China Information Economics Society , 2017, 2023
Outstanding Paper Award, the 1st, 4th & 5th China Microeconomic Theory Forum , 2019, 2022, 2023
University Distinguished Professor of “High Level Talents” Project at Shandong University , 2023
Excellent Class Advisor Award , SEM, Tsinghua University, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023
Supervisor of Excellent Thesis for Bachelor’s Degree , Tsinghua University, 2014, 2016, 2019 (*2), 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Tsinghua University Excellent Course, Behavioral Economics (undergraduate), Tsinghua University, 2022
Tsinghua University Excellent Course, Intermediate Microeconomics, co-taught with Prof. David Daokui Li, Tsinghua University, 2022
Outstanding Paper Award, the 1st & 4th China Microeconomic Theory Forum, 2019, 2022
Supervisor of Excellent Thesis for Bachelor’s Degree, Tsinghua University, 2014, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
Supervisor of Excellent Thesis for EMBA Program, Tsinghua University, 2022
Excellence in Student Cultivation, SEM, Tsinghua University, 2021-2022
Excellent Class Advisor Award, SEM, Tsinghua University, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
Excellent Teaching Award, SEM, Tsinghua University, 2013, 2019, 2021, 2022
Outstanding Paper Award, the 2nd & 3rd China Behavioral and Experimental Economics Forum, 2020, 2021
Outstanding Paper Award, Chinese Association of Labour Science – Labour Science and Education Annual Conference, 2021
Supervisor of Excellent Thesis for Master's Degree, Tsinghua University, 2020
Excellent Class Advisor Award, Tsinghua University, 2012-2013, 2014-2015, 2018-2019
Conference Best Paper Award, the 6th & 7th International Conference on Transportation and Space-time Economics, 2018, 2019
Finalist representing SEM, Tsinghua University “My Favorite Teachers” Competition, 2018
China Information Economics Society 2018 Annual Conference Best Referee Award, 2018
Young Scholar’s Innovations Award on Information Economics in China, China Information Economics Society, 2016, 2017, 2018
“Distinguished Excellence” Evaluation of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Young Scholar Research Project, 2018
Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowship, European University Institute, 2018
Outstanding Faculty Award, SEM, Tsinghua University, 2017
Conference Best Paper Award, the 2017 Annual Conference of China Information Economics Society, 2017
Intermediate Microeconomics course, co-taught with Prof. David Daokui Li, elected as one of Signature Courses taught in English by Ministry of Education of China, 2016
Theoretical Contributions Award on Information Economics in China from 2011 to 2015, China Information Economics Society, 2016
Econometric Society World Congress Travel Grant Award, 2010, 2015
Dissertation Fellowship, Washington University, 2010-2011
Graduate Scholarship, Washington University, 2006-2010
Best Third Year Paper Award, Department of Economics, Washington University, 2007-2008
Best Teaching Assistant Award, Department of Economics, Washington University, 2006-2007
University Fellowship, Washington University, 2005-2006
Fei Xiaotong Scholarship for Excellent Students, Tsinghua University, 2003-2004
Honored Graduate Award, Beijing City, China, 2003
Honored Graduate Award, Tsinghua University, 2003
“12.9” Scholarship-Highest Honor for College Students, Tsinghua University, 1999-2000, 2001-2002
Merit Student Award, Beijing City, China, 1999-2000
Referee Service: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Games and Economic Behavior, Economic Theory, Experimental Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Health Economics, Transportation Research Part A, Contemporary Economic Policy, Pacific Economic Review, China Economic Review, Singapore Economic Review, International Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of Asian Economics, Scientific Reports, Research in Transportation Business & Management, Review of Behavioral Economics, Economics Bulletin, Applied Economics, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Frontiers of Economics in China, Mathematical Reviews, SAGE Open, 世界经济 (The Journal of World Economy), 经济学报 (China Journal of Economics), 资源科学 (Resources Science), 管理科学学报 (Journal of Management Sciences in China), 系统工程理论与实践 (Systems Engineering – Theory & Practice), 信息系统学报 (China Journal of Information Systems), 心理学报 (Acta Psychologica Sinica); 国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目评审专家 (National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant Applications)
Ethics Review Service: Centre for Experimental Social Sciences, Nuffield College, University of Oxford
Scientific Committee: China Conference on Organizational Economics, 2015-present; Tsinghua International Conference on Behavioral, Experimental, and Theoretical Economics (Tsinghua BEAT), 2017-present; Beijing International Workshop on Microeconomics: Empirics, Experiments and Theory (Beijing MEET), 2018-present; China Behavioral and Experimental Economics Forum, 2018-present; China Microeconomic Theory Forum, 2019-present; China Information Economics Society, 2019-present
Membership: Econometric Society, American Economic Association, European Economic Association, Royal Economic Society, Game Theory Society, Economic Science Association, Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics, Midwest Economics Association, Chinese Economists Society, Chinese Game Theory and Experimental Economics Association, China Information Economics Society, Operations Research Society of China, Hong Kong Economic Association
Jie Zheng (郑捷)
03-2023 to present: University Distinguished Professor (校级特聘教授), Center for Economic Research (CER), Shandong University
03-2017 to present: Executive Associate Director, Tsinghua Economic Science and Policy Experimental Laboratory (ESPEL), Tsinghua University
12-2017 to 07-2023: Associate Professor of Economics, School of Economics and Management (SEM), Tsinghua University
07-2011 to 12-2017: Assistant Professor of Economics, SEM, Tsinghua University
01-2021 to present: Industrial Scholar, Institute of Internet Industry, Tsinghua University
11-2018 to present: Visiting Professor, Academy of Regional and Global Governance, Beijing Foreign Studies University
03-2019 to 03-2022: Visiting Professor, School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University
02-2018 to 04-2018: Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow, Department of Economics, European University Institute
09-2015 to 03-2016: Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
01-2017 to present: Associate Editor, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
04-2018 to present: Associate Editor, Research in Economics
04-2023 to present: Guest Editor, Economic Modelling, Special Issue on “Issues in Digital Economy in Game Theoretic Approaches”
12-2022 to present: Guest Editor, Games, Special Issue on “Competition, Coordination, and Cooperation: Theory and Evidence”
12-2022 to present: Guest Editor, Behavioral Sciences, Special Issue on “Social Preferences in Economic Behavior”
08-2019 to 06-2020: Executive Editor, Journal of Asian Economics
06-2019 to 12-2021: Guest Editor, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, special issue on “Behavioral Finance and Policy”
12-2018 to 04-2020: Guest Editor, Journal of Asian Economics, special issue on "Application of Behavioral Economics in Asia"
11-2021 to present: Executive Board Member, Operations Research Society of China – Game Theory Association (中国运筹学会博弈论分会)
04-2021 to present: Committee Member, China Economics Annual Conference – Microeconomic Theory and Behavioral Economics Committee (中国经济学年会微观理论与行为经济专业委员会)
12-2020 to present: Board Member, Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics
12-2019 to present: Founding Scientific Committee Member, China Microeconomic Theory Forum (中国微观经济理论论坛)
10-2019 to present: Executive Board Member, China Information Economics Society (中国信息经济学会)
08-2019 to present: Executive Board Member, American Committee on Asian Economic Studies
04-2019 to present: Founding Scientific Committee Member, Behavioral and Experimental Economics Forum (China BEEF, 中国行为与实验经济学论坛)
Ph.D. in Economics, Washington University in St. Louis, May 2011
Dissertation: Essays on Microeconomics with Incomplete Information (Advisor: David K. Levine)
M.A. in Economics, Washington University in St. Louis, May 2007
M.A. in Economics, with distinction, Tsinghua University, P. R. China, July 2005
B.A. in Economics, with distinction, Tsinghua University, P. R. China, July 2003
Information Economics, Experimental Economics, Behavioral Economics, Industrial Economics
Contest Theory, Matching Theory, Digital Economy, Chinese Economy
[18] "Information Advantage versus Technological Advantage: An Asymmetric Duopoly Model of Virtual and Real Contests"("信息优势与技术优势孰轻孰重:一个非对称双寡头的虚实之争模型"), with Haipeng Han and Mingzhi Li, accepted by Economic Research Journal (《经济研究》)
[17]"The Third Distribution and Common Prosperity: From the Perspective of Experimental Economics"("三次分配与共同富裕:基于实验经济学的视角"), with Yunwen He and Bin Xu, accepted by China Economic Quarterly (《经济学》(季刊))
[16]"Social Information Environment, Dedication Behavior and the Dilemma of Public Goods Provision" ("社会信息环境、奉献行为与公共品供给困境" in Chinese), with Yunwen He, accepted by Journal of Management Sciences in China (《管理科学学报》)
[15] "Privacy Preference, Price Discrimination, and Policies on Consumer Information Protection" ("隐私偏好、差异化定价与消费者信息保护政策" in Chinese), with Xiaokuai Shao, Economic Research Journal (《经济研究》), February 2024, 2: 190-208
[14] "Ridge Distributions and Information Design in Simultaneous All-Pay Auction Contests", with Zhonghong Kuang and Hangcheng Zhao, Games and Economic Behavior, November 2024, 148: 218-243
[13] "Coupling Information Disclosure with a Quality Standard in R&D Contests”, with Gaoyang Cai, Qian Jiao and Jingfeng Lu, Journal of Industrial Economics, September 2024, 72: 1299-1337
[12] "How Alliances Form and Conflict Ensues", with Lu Dong, Lingbo Huang, and Jaimie Lien, Games and Economic Behavior, July 2024, 146: 255-276
[11] "Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium in 2-Contestant Generalized Lottery Colonel Blotto Games"," with Xinmi Li, Journal of Mathematical Economics, December 2022, 103: 102771
[10] "Auction Mechanism and Bidding Behavior: Theory and Experiment on Pay-to-Bid Auctions" (“拍卖机制与竞价行为:基于付费竞价式拍卖的理论与实验” in Chinese), with Yunwen He, Economic Research Journal (《经济研究》), November 2021, 11: 161-176
[9] "International Trade with Social Comparisons," with Zeng Lian, Jaimie Lien and Lin Lu, Review of International Economics, August 2021, 29(3): 533-556
[8] "One Step at a Time: Does Gradualism Build Coordination?," with Sam Asher, Plamen Nikolov and Maoliang Ye, Management Science, January 2020, 66(1): 113-129
[7] "Are Work Intensity and Healthy Eating Substitutes? Field Evidence on Food Choices under Varying Workloads," with Jaimie Lien, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, January 2018, 145: 370-401
[6] "A Robust Reference-Dependent Model for Speculative Bubbles," with Mu Zhang, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, May 2017, 137:232-258
[5] "Ex-ante Fairness in the Boston and Serial Dictatorship Mechanisms under Pre-exam and Post-exam Preference Submission," with Jaimie Lien and Xiaohan Zhong, Games and Economic Behavior, Special Issue in honor of John. O. Ledyard, January 2017, 101:98-120
[4] "Extortion Can Outperform Generosity in the Iterated Prisoners' Dilemma," with Jaimie Lien, Zhijian Wang, Bin Xu and Yanran Zhou, Nature Communications, 2016, 7: 11125
[3] "Preference Submission Timing in School Choice Matching: Testing Fairness and Efficiency in the Laboratory," with Jaimie Lien and Xiaohan Zhong, Experimental Economics, 2016, 19(1): 116-150
[2] "Deciding When to Quit: Reference-Dependence over Slot Machine Outcomes," with Jaimie Lien, American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 2015, 105(5): 366-370
[1] “The Relationship between Economic Theory and Experiments,” with David K. Levine, Handbook of Experimental Economic Methodology, ed. Guillaume Frechette and Andrew Schotter, Oxford University Press, Ch.2, pp.43-57, February, 2015
10-2017: 2nd Behavioral and Experimental Economics Workshop, Dalian, China, “The Value of the Knowledge of Others” (Chinese Title “他山之石,可否攻玉?”)
11-2018: 2018 Annual Conference of China Information Economics Society, Guangzhou, China, “Hierarchical Bayesian Persuasion” (Chinese Title “多层级的贝叶斯劝服”)
06-2019: Inaugural International Symposium on Brain-like Economics, Jinan, China, “Self-commitment for Cooperation” (Chinese Title “自我承诺与合作”)
08-2020: 2nd China Behavioral and Experimental Economics Forum, Beijing, China, “Stuck in the Wisdom of Crowds: Knowledge, Information, and Heuristics” (Chinese Title “群众智慧如何影响个体决策:知识、信息、与经验法则”)
10-2020: Operations Research Society of China National Conference (ORSC2020), Hefei, China, “How does Goal Setting Affect Individual Performance: Theory and Experiment” (Chinese Title “目标设定方式如何影响个体绩效:理论与实验”)
05-2022: 2022 Forum on Frontiers of Modern Economics, Jinan, China, “Relation, Institution, and Trust: Behavioral Perspective and Experimental Approach” (Chinese Title “关系、制度与信任 ——行为视角和实验方法”)
11-2022: 5th China Institutional Economics Forum, Chongqing, China, “Mechanism Design on Cooperation: Theory and Experiment” (Chinese Title “合作行为的机制设计:理论与实验”)
10-2023: Competition Strategy and Regulation in Digital Economy Symposium, Shanghai, China, “Persuasive Exaggeration in Selling by An Expert”, (Chinese Title “专家销售中具有说服力的言过其实”)
10-2023: 6th China Institutional Economics Forum, Ningbo, China, “Commitment Mechanism to Promote Cooperation under Social Dilemmas: Theory and Evidence” (Chinese Title “社会困境下提升合作水平的承诺机制:理论与证据”)
11-2023: 5th International Symposium on Brain-like Economics, Jinan, China, “Co-Evolution of Reward Mechanism and Cooperation” (Chinese Title “奖励机制与合作的共同演进”)
03-2024: Workshop on Data-driven Behavioral Research in Operations Management, Beijing, China, “Price Frame, Obfuscation, and Strategic Co-Opetition” (Chinese Title “定价模式、消费者困惑与策略性竞合关系”)
06-2024: The 3rd CeDEx China Workshop on Behavioural and Experimental Economics, Ningbo, China, “Human (In)Compliance to Extortions: Algorithm Awareness Matters” (Chinese Title “人类对压榨的(不)服从:算法觉知的影响”)
06-2024: 2024 China BEEF International Workshop on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Jinan, China, “The Relationship between Economic Theory and Experiment” (Chinese Title “经济理论与实验的关系”)
07-2024: Workshop for the Advancement of Fundamental Theories in Economics, Xiangtan, China, “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms on Economic Behavior Decision-Making” (Chinese Title “人工智能算法对经济行为决策的影响”)
09-2024: 22nd China Law and Economics Forum, Jiaxing, China, “Data Mining, Data Transaction and Data Property Right” (Chinese Title “垄断、共享还是转让?——数据挖掘、数据交易与数据确权”)
10-2024: DUFE Workshop on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Dalian, China, “Competitive Behavior from the Perspective of Education Fairness: Theory and Experiment” (Chinese Title “教育公平视角下的竞争行为:理论与实验”)
10-2024: 7th China Institutional Economics Forum, Guangzhou, China, “Demand Prospects, Supply Constraints, and lnformation Disclosure Regulations” (Chinese Title “需求前景、供给约束与信息披露型规制”)
2024-present (Summer schools): Behavioral Science and Digital Economy (undergraduate), co-teaching with Prof. Jaimie Lien, Shandong University
2023-present (Fall semesters): Information Economics (Ph. D.), co-teaching with Prof. Jaimie Lien, Shandong University
2023-present (Fall semesters): Behavioral Economics (Ph. D.), co-teaching with Prof. Jaimie Lien, Shandong University
2023-present (Fall semesters): Academic Reading and Writing in English (Ph. D.), co-teaching with Prof. Jaimie Lien, Shandong University
2023 (Summer school): Behavioral and Experimental Approaches to Research on Public Economics and Policies , co-teaching with Prof. Jaimie Lien and Prof. Huan Xie, Shandong University
2018-2022 (Fall semesters): Behavioral Economics (undergraduate), Tsinghua University
2016-2022 (Fall semesters): Intermediate Microeconomics (undergraduate core), co-teaching with Prof. David Daokui Li, Tsinghua University
2016-2022 (Fall semesters): Advanced Microeconomics III: Information, Contracts, and Organizational Economics (Ph.D.), Tsinghua University
2017 (Summer school): Behavioral and Experimental Economics, co-teaching with Prof. Jaimie Lien and Prof. Huan Xie, Southwest University of Finance and Economics
2017 (Spring semester): Behavioral Economics (undergraduate), Tsinghua University
2016 (Spring semester): Advanced Microeconomics III: Information, Contracts, and Organizational Economics (Ph.D.), Tsinghua University
2016 (Spring semester): Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (undergraduate core), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2015 (Fall semester): Basic Microeconomics (undergraduate core), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2015 (Fall semester): Advanced Topics in Microeconomics (undergraduate), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2011-2014 (Fall semesters): Advanced Microeconomics I (Ph. D. core), Tsinghua University
2011-2014 (Fall semesters): Intermediate Microeconomics (undergraduate core, 2 sessions), co-teaching with Prof. David Daokui Li, Tsinghua University
2009-2010 (Summer school): Introduction to Political Economy: Micro (undergraduate), Washington University in St. Louis
Shandong Province Research Grant for Distinguished Expert of “Taishan Scholar” Project (P.I.), 2025/01-2029/12
Jinan City Research Grant for Key Distinguished Scholar of “Haiyou” Project (P.I.), 2025/01-2025/12
Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation, General Program Research Grant (P.I.), 2025/01-2026/12
Shandong University Research Grant for University Distinguished Professors (P.I.), 2023/08-2028/07
Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program Grant (P.I.), 2022/07-2024/12
Hong Kong Research Grants Council, General Research Fund (co-P.I.), 2023/01 – 2024/12
National Social Science Foundation of China Major Program Research Grant (P.I. for sub-project), 2021/01-2025/12
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) General Program Research Grant (P.I.), 2021/01-2024/12
Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (co-P.I.), 2020/01-2021/12
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) General Program Research Grant (P.I.), 2019/01-2022/12
Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (co-P.I.), 2017/01-2019/12
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Joint China-Russia Research Grant (co-P.I.), 2016/01-2018/12
Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Grant (P.I.), 2015/10-2018/09
Ministry of Education of China Young Scholar Startup Research Grant (P.I.), 2014/01-2015/12
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Young Scholar Research Grant (P.I.), 2013/01-2015/12
-evaluation of “Distinguished Excellence (特优)” by NSFC
Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Grant (P.I.), 2012/07-2015/06
Tsinghua University Competitive Startup Research Grant (P.I.), 2011/09-2014/07
Tsinghua University Junior Faculty Startup Research Grant (P.I), 2011/09-2014/07
Washington University Competitive Summer Research Grant, 2007-2010
Distinguished Expert of “Taishan Scholar” Project in Shandong Province , 2024
Key Distinguished Scholar of “Haiyou” Project in Jinan City , 2024
Outstanding Paper Award, the 2nd, 3rd, 5th & 6th China Behavioral and Experimental Economics Forum , 2020, 2021, 2023, 2024
Conference Best Paper Award, the 2017 & 2023 Annual Conference of China Information Economics Society , 2017, 2023
Outstanding Paper Award, the 1st, 4th & 5th China Microeconomic Theory Forum , 2019, 2022, 2023
University Distinguished Professor of “High Level Talents” Project at Shandong University , 2023
Excellent Class Advisor Award , SEM, Tsinghua University, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023
Supervisor of Excellent Thesis for Bachelor’s Degree , Tsinghua University, 2014, 2016, 2019 (*2), 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Tsinghua University Excellent Course, Behavioral Economics (undergraduate), Tsinghua University, 2022
Tsinghua University Excellent Course, Intermediate Microeconomics, co-taught with Prof. David Daokui Li, Tsinghua University, 2022
Outstanding Paper Award, the 1st & 4th China Microeconomic Theory Forum, 2019, 2022
Supervisor of Excellent Thesis for Bachelor’s Degree, Tsinghua University, 2014, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
Supervisor of Excellent Thesis for EMBA Program, Tsinghua University, 2022
Excellence in Student Cultivation, SEM, Tsinghua University, 2021-2022
Excellent Class Advisor Award, SEM, Tsinghua University, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
Excellent Teaching Award, SEM, Tsinghua University, 2013, 2019, 2021, 2022
Outstanding Paper Award, the 2nd & 3rd China Behavioral and Experimental Economics Forum, 2020, 2021
Outstanding Paper Award, Chinese Association of Labour Science – Labour Science and Education Annual Conference, 2021
Supervisor of Excellent Thesis for Master's Degree, Tsinghua University, 2020
Excellent Class Advisor Award, Tsinghua University, 2012-2013, 2014-2015, 2018-2019
Conference Best Paper Award, the 6th & 7th International Conference on Transportation and Space-time Economics, 2018, 2019
Finalist representing SEM, Tsinghua University “My Favorite Teachers” Competition, 2018
China Information Economics Society 2018 Annual Conference Best Referee Award, 2018
Young Scholar’s Innovations Award on Information Economics in China, China Information Economics Society, 2016, 2017, 2018
“Distinguished Excellence” Evaluation of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Young Scholar Research Project, 2018
Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowship, European University Institute, 2018
Outstanding Faculty Award, SEM, Tsinghua University, 2017
Conference Best Paper Award, the 2017 Annual Conference of China Information Economics Society, 2017
Intermediate Microeconomics course, co-taught with Prof. David Daokui Li, elected as one of Signature Courses taught in English by Ministry of Education of China, 2016
Theoretical Contributions Award on Information Economics in China from 2011 to 2015, China Information Economics Society, 2016
Econometric Society World Congress Travel Grant Award, 2010, 2015
Dissertation Fellowship, Washington University, 2010-2011
Graduate Scholarship, Washington University, 2006-2010
Best Third Year Paper Award, Department of Economics, Washington University, 2007-2008
Best Teaching Assistant Award, Department of Economics, Washington University, 2006-2007
University Fellowship, Washington University, 2005-2006
Fei Xiaotong Scholarship for Excellent Students, Tsinghua University, 2003-2004
Honored Graduate Award, Beijing City, China, 2003
Honored Graduate Award, Tsinghua University, 2003
“12.9” Scholarship-Highest Honor for College Students, Tsinghua University, 1999-2000, 2001-2002
Merit Student Award, Beijing City, China, 1999-2000
Referee Service: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Games and Economic Behavior, Economic Theory, Experimental Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Health Economics, Transportation Research Part A, Contemporary Economic Policy, Pacific Economic Review, China Economic Review, Singapore Economic Review, International Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of Asian Economics, Scientific Reports, Research in Transportation Business & Management, Review of Behavioral Economics, Economics Bulletin, Applied Economics, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Frontiers of Economics in China, Mathematical Reviews, SAGE Open, 世界经济 (The Journal of World Economy), 经济学报 (China Journal of Economics), 资源科学 (Resources Science), 管理科学学报 (Journal of Management Sciences in China), 系统工程理论与实践 (Systems Engineering – Theory & Practice), 信息系统学报 (China Journal of Information Systems), 心理学报 (Acta Psychologica Sinica); 国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目评审专家 (National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant Applications)
Ethics Review Service: Centre for Experimental Social Sciences, Nuffield College, University of Oxford
Scientific Committee: China Conference on Organizational Economics, 2015-present; Tsinghua International Conference on Behavioral, Experimental, and Theoretical Economics (Tsinghua BEAT), 2017-present; Beijing International Workshop on Microeconomics: Empirics, Experiments and Theory (Beijing MEET), 2018-present; China Behavioral and Experimental Economics Forum, 2018-present; China Microeconomic Theory Forum, 2019-present; China Information Economics Society, 2019-present
Membership: Econometric Society, American Economic Association, European Economic Association, Royal Economic Society, Game Theory Society, Economic Science Association, Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics, Midwest Economics Association, Chinese Economists Society, Chinese Game Theory and Experimental Economics Association, China Information Economics Society, Operations Research Society of China, Hong Kong Economic Association