My SSRN website
[53] Information Advantage versus Technological Advantage: An Asymmetric Duopoly Model of Virtual and Real Contests(信息优势与技术优势孰轻孰重:一个非对称双寡头的虚实之争模型), with Haipeng Han and Mingzhi Li, accepted by Economic Research Journal (《经济研究》)
[52]The Third Distribution and Common Prosperity: From the Perspective of Experimental Economics(三次分配与共同富裕:基于实验经济学的视角), with Yunwen He and Bin Xu, accepted by China Economic Quarterly (《经济学》(季刊))
[51] Ridge Distributions and Information Design in Simultaneous All-Pay Auction Contests, with Zhonghong Kuang and Hangcheng Zhao, Games and Economic Behavior, November 2024, 148: 218-243
[50] Coupling Information Disclosure with a Quality Standard in R&D Contests, with Gaoyang Cai, Qian Jiao and Jingfeng Lu, Journal of Industrial Economics, September 2024, 72: 1299-1337
[49] How Alliances Form and Conflict Ensues, with Lu Dong, Lingbo Huang, and Jaimie Lien, Games and Economic Behavior, July 2024, 146: 255-276
[48] Promoting Cooperation by Leading: Leader-Selection Mechanisms in Public Goods Games, with Yunwen He, Economics Letters, May 2024, 238: 111718
[47] Lump-sum Tax or Flat Income Tax? Welfare Implications of Taxation Policy in the Presence of Social Comparison, with Shaoan Huang, Jaimie Lien and Siqun Yang, International Review of Economics and Finance, April 2024, 92: 20-33
[46]Social Information Environment, Dedication Behavior and the Dilemma of Public Goods Provision (社会信息环境、奉献行为与公共品供给困境 in Chinese), with Yunwen He, accepted by Journal of Management Sciences in China (《管理科学学报》)
[45] Privacy Preference, Price Discrimination, and Policies on Consumer Information Protection (隐私偏好、差异化定价与消费者信息保护政策 in Chinese), with Xiaokuai Shao, Economic Research Journal (《经济研究》), February 2024, 2: 190-208
[44]The Welfare Impact of Quality-sensitivity Information, Competition with Vertical Differentiation, and Information Protection Policies ——Revisiting the Duopoly Model in the Era of Digital Economy (质量敏感度信息、垂直差异化竞争与信息保护政策的福利影响——数字经济时代双寡头模型再探 in Chinese), with Lang Gan and Zeng Lian, Systems Engineering – Theory & Practice (《系统工程理论与实践》), January 2024, 44 (1): 15-28
[43]Mechanism Designs to Promote Cooperation in Social Dilemmas: Theory and Evidence (社会困境下提升合作水平的机制设计:理论与证据 in Chinese), with Yongchun Peng, Bulletin of National Natural Science Foundation of China (《中国科学基金》), December 2023, 6: 944-952
[42] On the Trajectory of Discrimination: A Meta-analysis and Forecasting Survey Capturing 44 Years of Field Experiments on Gender and Hiring Decisions, with a large team led by Michael Schaerer and Christilene du Plessis, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
November 2023, 179: 104280
[41] Revisiting the Asymmetric Matching Pennies Contradiction in China, with Ailing Leng, Zeng Lian and Jaimie Lien, Behavioral Sciences, September 2023, 13 (9): 757
[40] Self-serving Reward and Punishment: Evidence from the Laboratory, with Jianing Chen and Zeng Lian, Scientific Reports, August 2023, 13: 13997
[39] To Acquire or Compete? Government Intervention in Transportation under Different Route Structures, with Naqun Huang and Jaimie Lien, accepted by Transportation Research Part E , April 2023, 172: 103033 (working paper version)
[38] Switching cost, Network Externality and Platform Competition, with Wei He and Mingzhi Li, International Review of Economics and Finance, March 2023, 84: 428-443 (working paper version)
[37] Online-Offline Competition with Heterogeneous Consumers: An Example for No Existence of Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium, with Weixing Ford and Haipeng Han, accepted by Contributions to game theory and management, vol. XV, 2022
[36] Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium in 2-Contestant Generalized Lottery Colonel Blotto Games, with Xinmi Li, Journal of Mathematical Economics, December 2022, 103: 102771 (working paper version )
[35] Online or Face-to-Face? Competition among MOOC and Regular Education Providers, with Haipeng Han, Donald Lien, and Jaimie Lien, International Review of Economics and Finance, July 2022, 80: 857-881 (working paper version)
[34] Auction Mechanism and Bidding Behavior: Theory and Experiment on Pay-to-Bid Auctions” (“拍卖机制与竞价行为:基于付费竞价式拍卖的理论与实验” in Chinese), with Yunwen He, Economic Research Journal (《经济研究》), November 2021, 11: 161-176
- Recipient of Outstanding Paper Award in th e 2nd China Behavioral and Experimental Economics Forum
[33] Optimal Subsidies in the Competition between Private and State-Owned Enterprises, with Mingzhi Li and Jaimie Lien, International Review of Economics and Finance , November 2021, 76: 1235-1244 (working paper version )
[32] Cultural Difference and China’s Cross-Border M&As: Language Matters, with Zeng Lian, Wenli Sun, and Dan Xie, International Review of Economics and Finance , November 2021, 76: 1205-1218 (working paper version)
[31] Numbers of Bricks and Clicks: Price Competition between Online and Offline Stores, with Weixing Ford and Yixiu Li, International Review of Economics and Finance, September 2021, 75: 420-440
[30] International Trade with Social Comparisons, with Zeng Lian, Jaimie Lien and Lin Lu, Review of International Economics , August 2021, 29(3): 533-556 (working paper version )
[29] A Dynamic Model of Cournot Competition for an Oligopolistic Market, with Zeng Lian, Mathematics, 2021, 9(5), 489
[28] Transportation Network with Externalities, with Zhonghong Kuang, Vladimir Mazalov, and Xindi Tang, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, January 2021, 382, 113091
[27] Information Design under the Environment of Big Data: Using the Contest Model as an Example (“大数据环境下信息设计研究——以竞赛模型为例” in Chinese), with Zhonghong Kuang, Operating Strategy Optimization and Coordination Research under the Environment of Big Data (“大数据环境下的运营策略优化与协调研究” in Chinese), ed. Jian Chen, Junjie Wu, Dengpan Liu, Yue Dai, Xiaole Wu, Bo Li, and Liu Yang, Science Press, Ch.5, pp.91-114, November 2020
[26] Pricing Equilibrium of Transportation Systems with Behavioral Commuters, with Jaimie Lien and Vladimir Mazalov, Journal of Dynamics and Games, October 2020, 7(4), 335-350
- Recipient of Outstanding Paper Award in the 7th International Conference on Transportation and Space-time Economics, 2019
[25] Flexible or Mandatory Retirement? Welfare Implications of Retirement Policies for a Population with Heterogeneous Health Conditions, with Zhenhua Feng and Jaimie Lien, International Review of Economics and Finance, September 2020, 69: 1032-1055 (working paper version)
[24] The Effect of Culture on Consumption: A Behavioral Approach, with Rong He, Heqing Li, Zeng Lian, Journal of Asian Economics , April 2020, 67: 101180 (working paper version)
[23] Information Sharing in a Contest Game with Group Identity, with Weixing Ford, Zeng Lian, and Jaimie Lien, Economics Letters, April 2020, 189: 109000 (working paper version)
[22] One Step at a Time: Does Gradualism Build Coordination?, with Sam Asher, Plamen Nikolov and Maoliang Ye, Management Science , January 2020, 66(1): 113-129 (working paper version, online supplementary materials)
[21] Serial and Parallel Duopoly Competition in Multi-Segment Transportation Routes, with Zhonghong Kuang, Zeng Lian, and Jaimie Lien, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review , January 2020, 133: 101821 (working paper version )
- Recipient of Best Student Paper Award in the 6th International Conference on Transportation and Space-time Economics, 2018
[20] A Dynamic Model of Bertrand Competition for an Oligopolistic Market, with Zeng Lian, Frontiers of Dynamic Games: Game Theory and Management, St. Petersburg, 2018, ed. Leon A. Petrosyan, Vladimir V. Mazalov, and Nikolay A. Zenkevich, Birkhäuser press, Ch.7, pp.103-130, September 2019 (working paper version)
[19] Riding to Wall Street: Determinants of Commute Time using Citibike, with Weixing M. Ford, Jaimie Lien, and Vladimir V. Mazalov, International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications , August 2019, 22(5): 473-490 (working paper version)
- Recipient of Outstanding Paper Award in the 6th International Conference on Transportation and Space-time Economics, 2018
[18] Pricing of Platforms in Two-Sided Markets with Heterogeneous Agents and Limited Market Size, with Zhenhua Feng, Taoxiong Liu and Vladimir V. Mazalov, Automation and Remote Control , July 2019, 80(7): 1347-1357 (working paper version)
[17]“Bilateral Conflicts Theory and Applications (“双边冲突的理论与实践” in Chinese),” with Xiao Chen, Jiandong Ju, and Jie Ma, Nankai Economic Studies (《南开经济研究》), 2019, 2: 101-121
[16] Keeping Up with the Neighbors: Social Interaction in a Production Economy, with Zhenhua Feng and Jaimie Lien, Mathematics, September 2018, 6(9): 162 (working paper version)
[15] A Game-Theoretic Model of Virtual Operators Competition in a Two-Sided Telecommunication Market, with Julia V. Chirkova, Jaimie Lien and Vladimir V. Mazalov, Automation and Remote Control, April 2018, 79(4): 737-756
[14] Are Work Intensity and Healthy Eating Substitutes? Field Evidence on Food Choices under Varying Workloads, with Jaimie Lien, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, January 2018, 145: 370-401 (working paper version)
- Recipient of Young Scholar’s Innovations Award on Information Economics in China for year 2018
[13] Information Sharing in Private Value Lottery Contest , with Zenan Wu, Economics Letters , August 2017, 157: 36-40 (working paper version)
[12] A Robust Reference-Dependent Model for Speculative Bubbles, with Mu Zhang, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, May 2017, 137:232-258 (working paper version)
- Recipient of Young Scholar’s Innovations Award on Information Economics in China for year 2017
[11] Ex-ante Fairness in the Boston and Serial Dictatorship Mechanisms under Pre-exam and Post-exam Preference Submission, with Jaimie Lien and Xiaohan Zhong, Games and Economic Behavior, Special Issue in honor of John. O. Ledyard, January 2017, 101:98-120 (working paper version)
[10] Wardrop Equilibrium for Networks with the BPR Latency Function , with Jaimie Lien, Vladimir V. Mazalov, and Anna V. Melnik, Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 9869: Discrete Optimization and Operations Research (Proceedings of the 9th International Conference, DOOR 2016 ), p. 37 - 49.
[9] A Model of Capital Allocation, Education and Job Choice in China , with Jaimie Lien and Wei Wang, The Chinese Economy, Special Issue: Some Challenges to Economic Growth and Stability in China , 2016: 49(5): 307 - 326 (working paper version )
[8] Extortion Can Outperform Generosity in the Iterated Prisoners' Dilemma , with Jaimie Lien, Zhijian Wang, Bin Xu and Yanran Zhou, Nature Communications , 2016, 7: 11125 (working paper version ) (Impact Factor 11.47)
- Recipient of Young Scholar’s Innovations Award on Information Economics in China for year 2016
[7] Preference Submission Timing in School Choice Matching: Testing Fairness and Efficiency in the Laboratory , with Jaimie Lien and Xiaohan Zhong, Experimental Economics , 2016, 19(1): 116-150 (working paper version )
[6] Incentive Mechanism of Ability-Based Grouping: An Economic Analysis Based on Contest Game (“基于竞赛模型的分层教学激励机制研究” in Chinese), with Hao Chen and Xiaohan Zhong, China Journal of Economics (《经济学报》 ), 2015, 2(4): 36-61
[5] Deciding When to Quit: Reference-Dependence over Slot Machine Outcomes , with Jaimie Lien, American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings , 2015, 105(5):366-370 (working paper version)
- Recipient of Theoretical Contributions Award on Information Economics in China from 2011 to 2015
[4] Infinitely Repeated Games with Self-Control: A Dual-Self Interpretation of the Monks Story , with Wei Wang, Automation and Remote Control , March 2015, Vol.76(3), pp.521-534 (working paper version )
[3] The Relationship between Economic Theory and Experiments, with David K. Levine, Handbook of Experimental Economic Methodology, ed. Guillaume Frechette and Andrew Schotter, Oxford University Press, Ch.2, pp.43-57, February, 2015 (working paper version )
[2] Multi-Period Complete-Information Games with Self-Control: A Dual-Self Approach , with Wei Wang, Operations Research Transactions , 2012, Vol.16(4), pp.95-104
[1] Open Source Software Movement: A Challenging Opportunity for the Development of China’s Software Industry , with Mingzhi Li, Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China , 2004, Vol.2 No.3, pp.47-52
[2] 数字经济时代的信息收集与信息披露 (Information Acquisition and Information Disclosure in the Era of Digital Economy), with Haipeng Han, Data, 2022, 8: 64-67
[1] 算法推荐、价格歧视与消费者隐私 (Algorithmic Recommendation, Price Discrimination, and Consumer Privacy), Data, 2021, 12: 45-47
[53] Information Advantage versus Technological Advantage: An Asymmetric Duopoly Model of Virtual and Real Contests(信息优势与技术优势孰轻孰重:一个非对称双寡头的虚实之争模型), with Haipeng Han and Mingzhi Li, accepted by Economic Research Journal (《经济研究》)
[52]The Third Distribution and Common Prosperity: From the Perspective of Experimental Economics(三次分配与共同富裕:基于实验经济学的视角), with Yunwen He and Bin Xu, accepted by China Economic Quarterly (《经济学》(季刊))
[51] Ridge Distributions and Information Design in Simultaneous All-Pay Auction Contests, with Zhonghong Kuang and Hangcheng Zhao, Games and Economic Behavior, November 2024, 148: 218-243
[50] Coupling Information Disclosure with a Quality Standard in R&D Contests, with Gaoyang Cai, Qian Jiao and Jingfeng Lu, Journal of Industrial Economics, September 2024, 72: 1299-1337
[49] How Alliances Form and Conflict Ensues, with Lu Dong, Lingbo Huang, and Jaimie Lien, Games and Economic Behavior, July 2024, 146: 255-276
[48] Promoting Cooperation by Leading: Leader-Selection Mechanisms in Public Goods Games, with Yunwen He, Economics Letters, May 2024, 238: 111718
[47] Lump-sum Tax or Flat Income Tax? Welfare Implications of Taxation Policy in the Presence of Social Comparison, with Shaoan Huang, Jaimie Lien and Siqun Yang, International Review of Economics and Finance, April 2024, 92: 20-33
[46]Social Information Environment, Dedication Behavior and the Dilemma of Public Goods Provision (社会信息环境、奉献行为与公共品供给困境 in Chinese), with Yunwen He, accepted by Journal of Management Sciences in China (《管理科学学报》)
[45] Privacy Preference, Price Discrimination, and Policies on Consumer Information Protection (隐私偏好、差异化定价与消费者信息保护政策 in Chinese), with Xiaokuai Shao, Economic Research Journal (《经济研究》), February 2024, 2: 190-208
[44]The Welfare Impact of Quality-sensitivity Information, Competition with Vertical Differentiation, and Information Protection Policies ——Revisiting the Duopoly Model in the Era of Digital Economy (质量敏感度信息、垂直差异化竞争与信息保护政策的福利影响——数字经济时代双寡头模型再探 in Chinese), with Lang Gan and Zeng Lian, Systems Engineering – Theory & Practice (《系统工程理论与实践》), January 2024, 44 (1): 15-28
[43]Mechanism Designs to Promote Cooperation in Social Dilemmas: Theory and Evidence (社会困境下提升合作水平的机制设计:理论与证据 in Chinese), with Yongchun Peng, Bulletin of National Natural Science Foundation of China (《中国科学基金》), December 2023, 6: 944-952
[42] On the Trajectory of Discrimination: A Meta-analysis and Forecasting Survey Capturing 44 Years of Field Experiments on Gender and Hiring Decisions, with a large team led by Michael Schaerer and Christilene du Plessis, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
November 2023, 179: 104280
[41] Revisiting the Asymmetric Matching Pennies Contradiction in China, with Ailing Leng, Zeng Lian and Jaimie Lien, Behavioral Sciences, September 2023, 13 (9): 757
[40] Self-serving Reward and Punishment: Evidence from the Laboratory, with Jianing Chen and Zeng Lian, Scientific Reports, August 2023, 13: 13997
[39] To Acquire or Compete? Government Intervention in Transportation under Different Route Structures, with Naqun Huang and Jaimie Lien, accepted by Transportation Research Part E , April 2023, 172: 103033 (working paper version)
[38] Switching cost, Network Externality and Platform Competition, with Wei He and Mingzhi Li, International Review of Economics and Finance, March 2023, 84: 428-443 (working paper version)
[37] Online-Offline Competition with Heterogeneous Consumers: An Example for No Existence of Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium, with Weixing Ford and Haipeng Han, accepted by Contributions to game theory and management, vol. XV, 2022
[36] Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium in 2-Contestant Generalized Lottery Colonel Blotto Games, with Xinmi Li, Journal of Mathematical Economics, December 2022, 103: 102771 (working paper version )
[35] Online or Face-to-Face? Competition among MOOC and Regular Education Providers, with Haipeng Han, Donald Lien, and Jaimie Lien, International Review of Economics and Finance, July 2022, 80: 857-881 (working paper version)
[34] Auction Mechanism and Bidding Behavior: Theory and Experiment on Pay-to-Bid Auctions” (“拍卖机制与竞价行为:基于付费竞价式拍卖的理论与实验” in Chinese), with Yunwen He, Economic Research Journal (《经济研究》), November 2021, 11: 161-176
- Recipient of Outstanding Paper Award in th e 2nd China Behavioral and Experimental Economics Forum
[33] Optimal Subsidies in the Competition between Private and State-Owned Enterprises, with Mingzhi Li and Jaimie Lien, International Review of Economics and Finance , November 2021, 76: 1235-1244 (working paper version )
[32] Cultural Difference and China’s Cross-Border M&As: Language Matters, with Zeng Lian, Wenli Sun, and Dan Xie, International Review of Economics and Finance , November 2021, 76: 1205-1218 (working paper version)
[31] Numbers of Bricks and Clicks: Price Competition between Online and Offline Stores, with Weixing Ford and Yixiu Li, International Review of Economics and Finance, September 2021, 75: 420-440
[30] International Trade with Social Comparisons, with Zeng Lian, Jaimie Lien and Lin Lu, Review of International Economics , August 2021, 29(3): 533-556 (working paper version )
[29] A Dynamic Model of Cournot Competition for an Oligopolistic Market, with Zeng Lian, Mathematics, 2021, 9(5), 489
[28] Transportation Network with Externalities, with Zhonghong Kuang, Vladimir Mazalov, and Xindi Tang, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, January 2021, 382, 113091
[27] Information Design under the Environment of Big Data: Using the Contest Model as an Example (“大数据环境下信息设计研究——以竞赛模型为例” in Chinese), with Zhonghong Kuang, Operating Strategy Optimization and Coordination Research under the Environment of Big Data (“大数据环境下的运营策略优化与协调研究” in Chinese), ed. Jian Chen, Junjie Wu, Dengpan Liu, Yue Dai, Xiaole Wu, Bo Li, and Liu Yang, Science Press, Ch.5, pp.91-114, November 2020
[26] Pricing Equilibrium of Transportation Systems with Behavioral Commuters, with Jaimie Lien and Vladimir Mazalov, Journal of Dynamics and Games, October 2020, 7(4), 335-350
- Recipient of Outstanding Paper Award in the 7th International Conference on Transportation and Space-time Economics, 2019
[25] Flexible or Mandatory Retirement? Welfare Implications of Retirement Policies for a Population with Heterogeneous Health Conditions, with Zhenhua Feng and Jaimie Lien, International Review of Economics and Finance, September 2020, 69: 1032-1055 (working paper version)
[24] The Effect of Culture on Consumption: A Behavioral Approach, with Rong He, Heqing Li, Zeng Lian, Journal of Asian Economics , April 2020, 67: 101180 (working paper version)
[23] Information Sharing in a Contest Game with Group Identity, with Weixing Ford, Zeng Lian, and Jaimie Lien, Economics Letters, April 2020, 189: 109000 (working paper version)
[22] One Step at a Time: Does Gradualism Build Coordination?, with Sam Asher, Plamen Nikolov and Maoliang Ye, Management Science , January 2020, 66(1): 113-129 (working paper version, online supplementary materials)
[21] Serial and Parallel Duopoly Competition in Multi-Segment Transportation Routes, with Zhonghong Kuang, Zeng Lian, and Jaimie Lien, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review , January 2020, 133: 101821 (working paper version )
- Recipient of Best Student Paper Award in the 6th International Conference on Transportation and Space-time Economics, 2018
[20] A Dynamic Model of Bertrand Competition for an Oligopolistic Market, with Zeng Lian, Frontiers of Dynamic Games: Game Theory and Management, St. Petersburg, 2018, ed. Leon A. Petrosyan, Vladimir V. Mazalov, and Nikolay A. Zenkevich, Birkhäuser press, Ch.7, pp.103-130, September 2019 (working paper version)
[19] Riding to Wall Street: Determinants of Commute Time using Citibike, with Weixing M. Ford, Jaimie Lien, and Vladimir V. Mazalov, International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications , August 2019, 22(5): 473-490 (working paper version)
- Recipient of Outstanding Paper Award in the 6th International Conference on Transportation and Space-time Economics, 2018
[18] Pricing of Platforms in Two-Sided Markets with Heterogeneous Agents and Limited Market Size, with Zhenhua Feng, Taoxiong Liu and Vladimir V. Mazalov, Automation and Remote Control , July 2019, 80(7): 1347-1357 (working paper version)
[17]“Bilateral Conflicts Theory and Applications (“双边冲突的理论与实践” in Chinese),” with Xiao Chen, Jiandong Ju, and Jie Ma, Nankai Economic Studies (《南开经济研究》), 2019, 2: 101-121
[16] Keeping Up with the Neighbors: Social Interaction in a Production Economy, with Zhenhua Feng and Jaimie Lien, Mathematics, September 2018, 6(9): 162 (working paper version)
[15] A Game-Theoretic Model of Virtual Operators Competition in a Two-Sided Telecommunication Market, with Julia V. Chirkova, Jaimie Lien and Vladimir V. Mazalov, Automation and Remote Control, April 2018, 79(4): 737-756
[14] Are Work Intensity and Healthy Eating Substitutes? Field Evidence on Food Choices under Varying Workloads, with Jaimie Lien, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, January 2018, 145: 370-401 (working paper version)
- Recipient of Young Scholar’s Innovations Award on Information Economics in China for year 2018
[13] Information Sharing in Private Value Lottery Contest , with Zenan Wu, Economics Letters , August 2017, 157: 36-40 (working paper version)
[12] A Robust Reference-Dependent Model for Speculative Bubbles, with Mu Zhang, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, May 2017, 137:232-258 (working paper version)
- Recipient of Young Scholar’s Innovations Award on Information Economics in China for year 2017
[11] Ex-ante Fairness in the Boston and Serial Dictatorship Mechanisms under Pre-exam and Post-exam Preference Submission, with Jaimie Lien and Xiaohan Zhong, Games and Economic Behavior, Special Issue in honor of John. O. Ledyard, January 2017, 101:98-120 (working paper version)
[10] Wardrop Equilibrium for Networks with the BPR Latency Function , with Jaimie Lien, Vladimir V. Mazalov, and Anna V. Melnik, Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 9869: Discrete Optimization and Operations Research (Proceedings of the 9th International Conference, DOOR 2016 ), p. 37 - 49.
[9] A Model of Capital Allocation, Education and Job Choice in China , with Jaimie Lien and Wei Wang, The Chinese Economy, Special Issue: Some Challenges to Economic Growth and Stability in China , 2016: 49(5): 307 - 326 (working paper version )
[8] Extortion Can Outperform Generosity in the Iterated Prisoners' Dilemma , with Jaimie Lien, Zhijian Wang, Bin Xu and Yanran Zhou, Nature Communications , 2016, 7: 11125 (working paper version ) (Impact Factor 11.47)
- Recipient of Young Scholar’s Innovations Award on Information Economics in China for year 2016
[7] Preference Submission Timing in School Choice Matching: Testing Fairness and Efficiency in the Laboratory , with Jaimie Lien and Xiaohan Zhong, Experimental Economics , 2016, 19(1): 116-150 (working paper version )
[6] Incentive Mechanism of Ability-Based Grouping: An Economic Analysis Based on Contest Game (“基于竞赛模型的分层教学激励机制研究” in Chinese), with Hao Chen and Xiaohan Zhong, China Journal of Economics (《经济学报》 ), 2015, 2(4): 36-61
[5] Deciding When to Quit: Reference-Dependence over Slot Machine Outcomes , with Jaimie Lien, American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings , 2015, 105(5):366-370 (working paper version)
- Recipient of Theoretical Contributions Award on Information Economics in China from 2011 to 2015
[4] Infinitely Repeated Games with Self-Control: A Dual-Self Interpretation of the Monks Story , with Wei Wang, Automation and Remote Control , March 2015, Vol.76(3), pp.521-534 (working paper version )
[3] The Relationship between Economic Theory and Experiments, with David K. Levine, Handbook of Experimental Economic Methodology, ed. Guillaume Frechette and Andrew Schotter, Oxford University Press, Ch.2, pp.43-57, February, 2015 (working paper version )
[2] Multi-Period Complete-Information Games with Self-Control: A Dual-Self Approach , with Wei Wang, Operations Research Transactions , 2012, Vol.16(4), pp.95-104
[1] Open Source Software Movement: A Challenging Opportunity for the Development of China’s Software Industry , with Mingzhi Li, Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China , 2004, Vol.2 No.3, pp.47-52
[2] 数字经济时代的信息收集与信息披露 (Information Acquisition and Information Disclosure in the Era of Digital Economy), with Haipeng Han, Data, 2022, 8: 64-67
[1] 算法推荐、价格歧视与消费者隐私 (Algorithmic Recommendation, Price Discrimination, and Consumer Privacy), Data, 2021, 12: 45-47